Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Can I just say today was so wonderful? It really was! We had our first snowfall of the year, and its sticking! Yay!:) It started 2 hours ago and is already about 2 inches!
This afternoon we went to the mall for some Christmas shopping and ended up seeing the new Hunger Games movie. Like seriously?! (Sorry for the spoiler) She ends up with Peeta? Like she should've made a pros and cons list. Peeta- Short, needs protecting, and um... Was Trying To Kill Her! Ah geez... And then we have Gale who lets see- Tall, handsome, + protecting! Girl... 
Sorry, I promise I'm not a total movie geek, I AM a love story geek though... Haha! 

Well anyway when we got home it was snowing a ton so we made hot cocoa and danced to Christmas music:) My favorite... 

So here's my little list just in case you need some backup when Grandma asks what everyone is thankful for around the dinner table... :)

1- Family!
 Of course this needs to be at the top of my list! They are just the people who make me the happiest!

2- Friends
I have the best, most supportive, and cutest friends around!! My gals seriously just always have my back annnnnnd i really love them:) 

3- My Job
I am sooooo lucky! I get to teach dance to 4-10 year old girls! It's so much fun!

4- Health
Not saying that I'm in tip top shape... But I am thankful for athletic ability, not getting sick, and that I can dance... and live. 

5- Church
I'm actually super religious and love the gospel:) I'm so thankful for it!

6- My home
I love Utah! Even though yellow summer weeds doesn't look the best compared to other green summers... But I love my purple rocky mountains and my snow!

7- Nature + Fresh Air
My fav.  Nough said. 

8- Mistakes
Honestly, mistakes shape us and help us learn. I should know, I've made plenty mistakes!:) But I think they make me a better person.

9-  Beauty
No, I'm not talking about people, I'm talking about color, and sunsets, and cute blankets:)

10- Laughter + Fun 
I don't know where I would be if I couldn't have fun or laugh.

Ya, that's my little list, it's not much, but it's enough for me.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Well hello! After many products that didn't work... I finally found my lifesaver! Vanity Planet Face Brush. I seriously was always scared of products. One time I heard that some facewashes make more "imperfections" when used, so that people would keep buying more. This I got for a birthday present.... I LOVE it!

Friday, September 18, 2015



Well, I've been thinking a lot about fall and autumn lately. Just so all ya'll know, I LOVE the autumn season! So I really wanted a great Fall Post to start us off. And maybe it's me, but I wanted to start with some awesome recipes!
So down below, check out the links to some of my favorites!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Late at night

It's late at night, but I don't want to fall asleep! I've had a hard week this one and I've learned a lot about myself. I can cry on spot, which is not a good thing for me, because I try to never cry. I've been really hurt by a certain person, and it definitely has changed my attitude when I could've had so many great times this week! It's not just a lot of backstabbing, but I feel like I'm trying way to hard to be someone else. When I think of the person who I'd like to be, she's way to far out of reach to even figure out! I need to learn to love myself! I'm kinda stuck with myself for the rest of my life, so I should be friends with myself, right?! Yikes... 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! (It's the truth)

I looove fresh fruit out of the garden... It's just the best! But did you know green apples are super healthy? I'm not just saying that because I don't like any other kinds of apples, maybe ;) But really, green apples have A TON of awesome health benefits!

Green apples have a bit more potassium which steadies heart rhythm. Also green apples have fibrous skin which stimulates saliva production, which ends up with you getting healthy teeth!  Not only that but they also regulate blood sugar. What's the secret to weight loss? Green Apples! No joke. A study was done where women who had an apple before each meal, lost 33% more weight than women who didn't! And what's that important word again? Oh yeah, Antioxidants! But that's not all! They are filled with fiber, they prevent skin disease, they provide an awesome source of potassium, and only hasve 50-80 calories with no fat or sodium. Green apples are loaded with vitamins such as C and A.
How awesome right? I think I'll start a few more than just one apple a day!

Friday, July 24, 2015

My brown sandal obsession

So... Where do I begin?! I just really like brown sandals, I don't know why. When I go shopping, somehow I always come back with another pair to fill closet 

Bottom right-

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wild lilacs


Is it just me, or is summer just flying by? I think the problem is I'm much too busy! I have something going on everyday. I'm okay with that, I really like the things I do! For example this post the fam was taking an after church hike. Or the bottom picture I was at a little plant nursery shopping for lilacs. I really love how I'm spending my summer, so I really shouldn't be complaining. This has probably been the best summer yet. I've spent a ton of time outside, dancing, taking photos, camping, and playing with the people I love!
So then there's nothing to be sad about right? Even if summers halfway over, I've done the things I love with the people I love.


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fresh out of the garden

Last night at 3 am I woke up to thunder. To probably every person who isn't completely weird ( like me ) this was awesome. I don't know why, but thunder storms are my favoritist thing in all time of ever. Then this morning, I woke up to a little gloom in the sky. Then driving up town today it started to rain. Yay!:) So when I came home I went outside and into my little raspberry garden. This was the best ever. I felt the little rain drops on my hair, while picking delicious raspberry's! I'm sitting down typing at my laptop, munching on raspberry's, and listening to the pitter patter on my windows.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Country Tis of Thee

☆ O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand, Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation; Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust" And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! ☆ 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Dear Future Me...


 |    D e a r   F u t u r e   M e    |
I want you to be confident but gentle. I want you to be sweet but fierce. I want you to know you could be whatever you want, but you would choose to raise a family instead. I know that because I want to be better. With each step and motion through out the years to come, I want to get my priorities straight. Because I know you are a one woman army, tougher than nails. But how did you get this way? Because writing this letter is a little girl, who still checks under the bed for monsters. Who still needs help smashing or saving spiders. Even though I might not have the   
c o n f i d e n c e 
  just yet, the wonder woman reading this is strong. The person who I am capable to be.

 Huge thanks to my best friend for everything! ;)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Santuary

I've been working on my little bedroom for sometime now. It's given me a few headaches, now it's almost there, with only needing a few finishing touches. This is the room that I want to be a sanctuary. I lot is going on in the world, and sometimes I just want to hide under my covers from the scary... Well I wanted a room I could walk into and not bring anything but peace into it. I know its not much, but this little room is my harbor.

A content life, is better than the good life

I was able to spend about a week in this gorgeous desert. Not dessert, trust me, I looked it up. And google never lies ;) The warm breeze, tall cacti, and amazing red rock, all tied up into a bundle of 'ahhh'  It was a peaceful little vaca to get my mind off things.
 ⇟ I like the word "content". My parents used that word a lot as I was growing up, so I wanted to see the dictionary definition of it, to which I found ≫"in a state of peaceful happiness"≪ I love that! I am definitely content with my life. Nothing's completely wrong, in fact a lot of new is happening. But I think it's a good kind of new, I'll have to wait to see... I'm pretty sure I'm content:) ⇟
Right now, the temperature is getting up high. The windows are cracked and I can feel the hot air seeping through... It's actually warmer outside than it is in here! I'm not complaining though!