Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Dear Future Me...


 |    D e a r   F u t u r e   M e    |
I want you to be confident but gentle. I want you to be sweet but fierce. I want you to know you could be whatever you want, but you would choose to raise a family instead. I know that because I want to be better. With each step and motion through out the years to come, I want to get my priorities straight. Because I know you are a one woman army, tougher than nails. But how did you get this way? Because writing this letter is a little girl, who still checks under the bed for monsters. Who still needs help smashing or saving spiders. Even though I might not have the   
c o n f i d e n c e 
  just yet, the wonder woman reading this is strong. The person who I am capable to be.

 Huge thanks to my best friend for everything! ;)