Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Can I just say today was so wonderful? It really was! We had our first snowfall of the year, and its sticking! Yay!:) It started 2 hours ago and is already about 2 inches!
This afternoon we went to the mall for some Christmas shopping and ended up seeing the new Hunger Games movie. Like seriously?! (Sorry for the spoiler) She ends up with Peeta? Like she should've made a pros and cons list. Peeta- Short, needs protecting, and um... Was Trying To Kill Her! Ah geez... And then we have Gale who lets see- Tall, handsome, + protecting! Girl... 
Sorry, I promise I'm not a total movie geek, I AM a love story geek though... Haha! 

Well anyway when we got home it was snowing a ton so we made hot cocoa and danced to Christmas music:) My favorite... 

So here's my little list just in case you need some backup when Grandma asks what everyone is thankful for around the dinner table... :)

1- Family!
 Of course this needs to be at the top of my list! They are just the people who make me the happiest!

2- Friends
I have the best, most supportive, and cutest friends around!! My gals seriously just always have my back annnnnnd i really love them:) 

3- My Job
I am sooooo lucky! I get to teach dance to 4-10 year old girls! It's so much fun!

4- Health
Not saying that I'm in tip top shape... But I am thankful for athletic ability, not getting sick, and that I can dance... and live. 

5- Church
I'm actually super religious and love the gospel:) I'm so thankful for it!

6- My home
I love Utah! Even though yellow summer weeds doesn't look the best compared to other green summers... But I love my purple rocky mountains and my snow!

7- Nature + Fresh Air
My fav.  Nough said. 

8- Mistakes
Honestly, mistakes shape us and help us learn. I should know, I've made plenty mistakes!:) But I think they make me a better person.

9-  Beauty
No, I'm not talking about people, I'm talking about color, and sunsets, and cute blankets:)

10- Laughter + Fun 
I don't know where I would be if I couldn't have fun or laugh.

Ya, that's my little list, it's not much, but it's enough for me.