Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Wake up Early

In these past few months I've been getting up at 5:30.  How? I'll tell ya!

First of all, what's the point in getting up early? Getting up early will make you happier through out the day, help you to be less sore, and it increases your metabolism rate. Also being able to get things done that wouldn't be possible at a later part of the day. (Exercise, delicious breakfast, etc)

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin

At Night:

Wake up to music
My favorite is the Pandora alarm clock. I can wake up to my favorite music instead of a loud sound we all dread. I love starting the day with favorite songs.

Drink Water
Every night before I go to bed I have my cup of ice water sitting next to me. I feel like water cleans out my system and re-hydrates my system.

Go to bed early
Uh... duh! This is a really simple one, but we all need to remember it. When choosing what time you want to go to bed, stick with it. If it stays the same, your body will naturally know when to go to bed. My method is... 
Waking up before 6:00 am- Go to bed before 8:00 pm 
After 7:00 am- Go to bed before 9:00
This way you can always get at least 8-9 hours of good sleep.
One of the best things for me is to be in my bedroom 30 minutes before I actually want to be asleep. This way I can relax from the day slowly- Not forcing myself to be asleep.
  -When in bedroom turn on a single lamp, not the main light.

In the Morning:
 Beee Haaaaappy! 
Just do it... ;) Dance a little, put a smile on your face, you know what I mean:)

Work Out
I have to be out of the house at 7:00 am, so I don't have any time to excersize in the mornings. I do think that working out will get you pumped for the day. 

Good Breakfast
A nutritious breakfast is the best way to start a day. *Later I will post yummy and healthy breakfast recipes

Listen to Music
Listening to your favorite tunes is a great way to feel happy in the morning.

Extra Tips:

-Tell close friends what time you're getting up, you will feel the need to stand up to your comment.

-Don't set multiple alarms and don't hit snooze

-Turn on lights, your mind will wake up

-Just get up, but don't make yourself unhappy from force

-Give yourself enough time in the morning, wake up an hour
 or more than you actually need